Thursday, October 22, 2015

Preview: Winter 2016 Issue

In Transition magazine returns in early 2016 with an issue dedicated to freight. Here’s a look at some of the top stories that will appear in our next edition:

E-commerce and its Impacts: Amazon is expanding and more retailers are seeing customers choose online shopping over brick and mortar storefronts. How is this e-commerce boom impacting freight systems and land use and is it more efficient?

Uber for Trucks: It’s not exactly Uber, but companies like Transfix and Cargomatic are working to connect local shippers with area truck drivers in an effort to improve efficiency, including reducing hauling of empty loads.

Self-driving Truck Convoys: Auto manufacturers are already testing the possibility of fully-automated truck convoys on highways. We’ll take a look at the challenges of implementing these convoys and what this new technology means for the freight industry.

Brownfield Reuse for Freight: Fifteen years ago the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority and New Jersey Institute of Technology conducted a study of freight reuse of brownfields in and around the NY-NJ Port. We’re revisiting those sites to offer an update on the successes and challenges of reusing contaminated sites.

Do you have any thoughts on freight or other transportation-related topics? We'd love to hear from you and feature your letters to the editor in our "Pen Station" section. Submit letters to Please include a daytime phone number for verification purposes.

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